Sally's Tribute to Harry

Created by Christabel one year ago

So what can I tell you about Harry that you don’t already know?  Typical man – very grumpy and not happy unless he was moaning!  And he did moan!  Boris Johnson’s hair, people parking on the grass verge and so on.

Harry and I got together at a party.  I thought this is good: he liked cleaning, washing up and doing his own ironing!  Harry was a good cook, he liked to take ownership of the kitchen.  Being the rebel that I am, I would often sneak into the kitchen and start making something.  It was never long before he appeared and would interfere!

Harry was my rock.  He was kind, loving, caring and never said a bad word about anybody.  When I got upset, he stayed calm.  When I was worried, he said it would be OK.  When I wasn’t sure what to do, he figured it out.  When I had lost my keys, or anything, he would help me look for them.  When I found them he would say, “I bet that they were in the last place you looked!”

Our first holiday together was to Zakinthos: we stayed in a small hotel in the middle of town.  It was great as we were at street level and had a little private patio right next to the main shopping area.  We loved sitting here enjoying a drink and watching the world go by.  After a few days the owners offered me a room swap as they were concerned about the traffic at night.  I declined as we loved our room.  Well, that night we went to the bar and the bar man poured us some drinks and refused payment.  These free drinks kept flowing until the end of the evening.  Heading for bed was a problem: the bar was outside – the air hit us and we had to negotiate a huge pool with a small pavement beside it.  Trying to stand up straight, hold Harry up, walk in a straight line and manoeuvre around the pool without falling in was very difficult!  We nearly had a midnight swim!

Our wedding day was the happiest day of my life: it had a few hiccups – my brother sent the driver the wrong way to the church!  My cousin did the order of service and did a few in Greek just for a laugh – except the vicar got a Greek one!  And I forgot my car keys, so I had to go down to breakfast in my wedding dress at the guest house we stayed at as my clothes were in the car!

Harry appeared to have had an obsession with the number 6.  He had 6 iPods, 6 walking sticks, 6 different bottles of aftershave lotion, 6 lawnmowers (!) and last, but not least, 6 tubes of toothpaste!!  What family has 6 tubes of toothpaste and what’s more, I was banned from using them so I had to have my own!

I am so proud of Harry’s achievement in the last two years.  We all know that he was a chunky man.  He was under the clutches of Nurse Karen at the surgery, who read him the riot act – and it worked.  Every two weeks she had him in the surgery and weighed him.  He started off weighing 132kg, and his last recorded weight was 122kg!  He was determined to lose more and he did according to our scales!

All of you have sent me words of love and support – for that I thank you very much – it has meant a lot to me.  I could not have got through the last few weeks without the guidance and support from Neil, Kevin & Christabel.  They cooked delicious meals, chauffeured me here, there and everywhere, did a huge amount of organisation for today with little interference from me; but most of all, gave me cuddles and shoulders to cry on.  I am so grateful to all three of you and love you to bits.

So that is it from me, I think that I have said enough about Harry, which just leaves me with one more thing to say …
Good bye my love, good bye my friend: Mum and Pop will look after you until we meet again.  My heart is broken, I love you and I miss you so, so much.